Toxicology is an applied science grounded in scientific research and experimentation, focusing on developing evidence-based measurement methods and utilizing toxicological research data to evaluate the safety of substances. This ensures safe application across various fields, including the environment, workplace, pharmaceuticals, food, and cosmetics. Toxicologists play a critical role, particularly in chemical safety, drug evaluation, and environmental toxicology. The title of "Certified Toxicologist" not only maintains professional standards but also provides significant professional recognition, enhancing the career development, authority, and credibility of toxicologists. It also fosters international collaboration on public health and environmental issues.
The certification system for toxicologists has a long history worldwide. The United States established its certification mechanism (American Board of Toxicology, ABT) in 1979, followed by the European Registered Toxicologist (ERT) program in 1994. Japan, Korea, and China subsequently developed their own systems. Since 2015, the Taiwan Society of Toxicology has promoted the “Taiwan Certified Toxicologist” credential, with only 13 professionals nationwide receiving this honor to date.
Professor Shyh-Chyun Yang, Dean of the College of Pharmacy, stated, “Associate Professor Lin’s achievement is not only a testament to her personal expertise but also enhances the academic influence of the school and the College. Her accomplishment inspires both faculty and students to pursue excellence continuously.” Dean Yang encourages faculty and students to make excellence a habit in academics, research, and life, breaking through personal and team growth barriers.
Associate Professor Lin expressed that earning the "Taiwan Certified Toxicologist" credential was a personal challenge and a goal. She hopes to inspire more students and young professionals to pursue toxicology and actively seek certification. Professor Lin emphasized, “Obtaining certification is a commitment to ongoing professional development; it does not mean mastering all knowledge related to toxicology.” She is committed to enhancing public understanding of toxicology, advancing alignment between academia and international standards, and promoting the sustainable development of toxicology in Taiwan.
Photo: Dean Shyh-Chyun Yang of the College of Pharmacy with Associate Professor Ying-Chi Lin, Director of the Master / Doctoral Degree Program in Toxicology