【活動報名】112-2學期 三學院學生聽說讀寫全方位加強班( All-Round Intensive English Course)

  • 2024-02-20
  • Admin Admin


All-Round Intensive English Course



 ▎申請資格 Register


All College of Medicine, College of Dental Medicine, and College of Pharmacy students can participate.  ※Each time you sign in, you need to present your student ID

(二)每班開放4-16名學生參加。 ※每班上限16人

Each class is open to 4-16 students.  ※The maximum class size is 16 students

(三)依報名先後順序錄取,請等候錄取通知信   ※開課前2~3週將寄發錄取通知信

Admissions will be made in the order of registration.   ※Admission notification letters will be sent out 2-3 weeks before the start of the course.


 課程規劃 Curriculum planning

  共計18堂課程,每次課程供應膳食、Official TOEFL IBT Tests Volume 1, Fourth Edition書籍。

A total of 18 sessions will be provided, along with meals and Official TOEFL IBT Tests Volume 1, Fourth Edition books.


*After receiving the notification email, complete the registration within the specified timeframe.

  (一)報名表單 Registration form:https://forms.gle/Fs4dP1VV3RWAcXRRA  (2024.2.12 上午10:00開放報名;2024.2.23 下午1:00截止報名)


◆授課老師 lecturer:Neo 李家暐(每周一、三: 閱讀、聽力、口說);余俊德Johnson Y  (每周二:寫作) 

◆時間Time:17:30-19:30 (17:00-17:30用餐時間)

  112 2三學院全方位加強班 課表圖

      ※後續教室更動將寄發通知信  Classroom changes will be notified


 ▎實施方式 Regulation

(1) 該班出席數達15堂(含)以上並填寫滿意度調查之學生,可兌換200元禮卷或等值獎勵品。 ※將於該班課程最後一堂結束後發放

Upon attending a total of 15 sessions and completing the satisfaction survey, you can redeem a TWD 200 voucher.  ※Will be distributed after the last class ends.

(2) 該班級若無學生報名,則不開課。

If there are no student registrations for a particular session, it will not be conducted. 


If accepted students fail to attend or occupy slots that affect the rights of other students, they will not be able to participate in student activities organized by the College of Medicine EMI for one semester if they accumulate unexcused absences twice or exceed four accumulated leaves.


Since meals are provided for each event, to avoid resource wastage, if you are unable to attend after successful registration, please notify the administration office at least three days before the event starts due to unforeseen circumstances.





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